Rabu, 30 November 2011

CNBLUE’s Yonghwa and ‘Running Man’ cast spotted in Hong Kong

3 Komentar

It looks like ‘Running Man‘ has gone overseas again, this time to Hong Kong with CNBLUE‘s Jung Yonghwa and actress Lee Min Jung.

On November 28th, an online community shared some photos from the shoot under the caption, “Running Man came to Hong Kong.”

Fans caught a glimpse of the cast in the midst of a fierce race. Supposedly, this special episode will feature Yoo Jae Suk, Ji Seok Jin, Lee Kwang Soo, Gary, Song Joong Ki, Haha, and Song Ji Hyo.

The arrival of the ‘Running Man’ cast was also spotlighted in the local newspaper, as fans ambushed the stars at the airport.
This special episode is planned to air next month.

Source: TV Daily via Nate
cr: allkpop

Selasa, 29 November 2011

[Picture] JKS at Lotte Duty Free December

1 Komentar

800x600 1024x768 1280x1024

Other picture,

Credits : LotteDFS + As Tagged

[vid] 20111127 Jang Geun Suk in Gimpo airport

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cr: JangGeunSukRussia

Survey CN.BLUE full concert in Indonesia

0 Komentar
annyeong ANJELLS . pasti masalah cancellation BLUESTORMJAKARTA masih keinget banget dong ya :( . tapi ngga ada salahnya kita masih terus brusaha buat bikin impian BOICE Indonesia tercapai kan ? ^^ . ga baik berlarut-larut terlalu lama dalam kesedihan . Anjell Indo ngadain Survey untuk membantu dan men-support Boiceindonesia , batas poolingnya ditutup sampai tanggal 7 desember , admin ga bisa janjiin apa-apa . tapi siapa tau akan ada yg bisa mewujudkannya . gomawo ^^

klik disiini >>  http://anjellindo.polldaddy.com/s/cn-blue-concert-indonesia

FT Island Sukses Menggelar Konser ‘MEMORY IN FTISLAND 2011 IN SEOUL’

0 Komentar

Baru2 ini FT. Island menggelar konser yang terjual habis  ‘MEMORY IN FTISLAND 2011 IN SEOUL‘ di Blue Square Seoul pada 26 dan 27 November,  yang membuktikan kalau mereka adalah salah satu band musik top Hallyu.
Mereka yang menerima banyak cinta dan dukungan untuk album re-made yang baru2 ini dirilis  ‘MEMORY IN FTISLAND‘, memulai konser dengan sebuah live performance dari lagu hit mereka, “I Hope“, diikuti “Hello Hello“, “I’ll Have You“, “Love Love Love” dll, diman afans mereka merespon dengan semangat dan tepuk tangan yang luar biasa.
Member2 menyenangkan fans Jepang dan Korea mereka menggabungkan versi Korea dan Jepang dari lagu   “Revolution“, “I Want“, “Let It Go“, and “Flower Rock“, dan juga perform “That Person at Shinsadong“, and “Will Love All“, dimana lagu2 FT Island keluar di top KBS Immortal Song 2.
Konser mengumpulkan perhatian Internasional karena fans tidak hanya dari Korea dan Jepang tapi juga dari China, Thailand, dan negara2 Asia lainnya juga dan dari AMerika Utara hadir.
Member2 menyatakan, “Kami bisa menaruhkan sebuah performance yang menyenangkan dalam merespon pada banyaknya fans yang datang untuk melihat kami. Terima kasih untuk semua orang yang datang untuk menonton performance kami. Kami berharap ini berarti untuk semua orang yang ada disana.” 
Source & Image: OSEN
credit: Allkpop
Indo Trans: Yeppopo
repost : anjell_indo
take a full credit

Park Shin Hye Sedang Berjuang Menyeimbangkan Antara Akademiknya & Jadwal Sibuknya!

0 Komentar

Pada 28 November, aktris Park Shin Hye mengakui kalau dia  menghadapi kesulitan2 mengenai akademiknya dan kehidupannya sebagai seorang aktris.
Park Shin Hye tweeted, “Semenjak saya menjadi seorang mahasiswi, semester ini benar2 yang terburuk.”
Aktris ini melanjutkan, “Saya harusnya meninggalkan akademik dan berpergian. Biaya kuliah saya tak berharga. Saya mengatakan pada diri saya sendiri bahwa meskipun ini sulit, saya akan tetap di dalamnya dan melakukan apapun yang bisa saya lanjutkan, tapi saya tidak bisa lagi. Saya tidak ingin untuk melakukan apapun sekarang. Istirahat.. Hal yang saya perlukan saat ini adalah istirahat”
Park Shin Hye saat ini seorang mahasiswi di  Joong Ang University jurusan Theater and Film. Dalam minggu2 ini, Park Shin Hye bolak balik melakukan perjalanan untuk memenuhi promosi2 luar negerinya dan menghadiri kelas2.
Tampaknya senyum ceria dari luar hanyalah untuk menutupi perjuangan di dalamnya yang sebenarnya.
Netizens yang prihatin membalas dengan pesan2 dukungan seperti, “Tetap kuat, Shin Hye”, “Ini bukan sesuatu dimana kamu mengabaikan studimu karena kamu berpesta, jadi jangan terlalu kecewa, ” and “Faktanya dia  mengorbankan begitu banyak untuk karirnya saat ini untuk membuktikan dia seorang aktris sesungguhnya ”.
Source: TV Report via Naver
credit: Allkpop
Indo Trans: Yeppopo
repost : ANJELL_INDO
take a full credit

[news] Jung Yonghwa masuk kategori Pria Korea Ideal Tahun 2011!

0 Komentar
berdasarkan hasil polling yang di dapat, inilah hasilnya

1. Kang Dong Won
2. Won Bin
3. Hyun Bin
4. Jung Yonghwa
5. Kim Su Hyeon
6. T.O.P Big Bang
7. Park Yoochun JYJ
8. Doojoon BEAST
9. Song Joong Ki
10. Lee Min Ho
11. Lee Seung Gi
12. G-Dragon
13. So Ji Sub
14. Junhyung BEAST
15. Yoseob BEAST
16. Nichkhun 2PM
17. Gong Yoo
18. Jung Il Woo
19. Jo In Sung
20. Yoo Seung Ho

Source: 262565015 BaiduBB Via: doubleseunghyun cr: yeppopo

[news] Jang Geun Suk menginfus IV sekali seminggu untuk menjaga kesehatannya

0 Komentar

Aktor Jang Geun Suk baru2 ini menggelar sebuah konfrensi pers di sebuah restoran kecil di Tokyo untuk koser Jepangnya,  “2011 The Cri Show in Tokyo”.

Saat Jang Geun Suk ditanya mengenai rahasia2nya memelihara tubuh yang sehat, aktor ini mengungkapkan,  “Saat saya mulai rakus dengan jadwal2, saya pastikan menerima sebuah pengobatan infus IV sekali seminggu untuk mencegah kesehatan saya dari memburuk.”

Jang Geun Suk menjelaskan, “Saat sata diberikan sebuah suntikan (infusan) IV, saya merasa lelah sedikit berkurang dan bisa menikmati melakukan pekerjaan saya.” 

Aktor ini juga menambahkan passion untuk pekerjaannya seperti yang dia katakan,  “Saya merasa seperti memiliki 24 jam sehari itu terlalu pendek. Ada begitu banyak hal2 untuk dilakukan tiap harinya dimana saya ingin ini jadi 48 jam sehari. ”

Pada 26 November, Jang Geun Suk telah menyelesaikan konser solonya di depan lebih dari 45. ooo orang di  Tokyo Dome.

Source: Star News via Naver
credit: Allkpop
Indo Trans: Yeppopo

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

[Video/Watched] Lee hongki at Lets Go Dream Team S2 ep. 104 [eng.sub]

0 Komentar

Credits : boosaysharingcaring.com

[Update twitter ] JKS on JKSjpn and TreeJ [111124-111125]

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Japanese official web twitter:
Reached Japan!!!! In order to present a perfect performance, tough practice from now onwards!!!!!
到达日本!!!! 为了呈现完美的表演,从现在开始艰苦练习!!!!!
Tokyo Dome rehearsal ends. Actor Jang has been busy with performance rehearsal since he reached Japan, please look forward to the perfect performance at Tokyo Dome ^^
Tokyo Dome press conference is about to start. This is actor Jang’s press conference venue.
Japanese official web twitter:
现在记者招待会结束!开始排练。(^ o ^)
The press conference held at Tokyo Dome has ended smoothly. Many reporters came in Korea, many reporters also came to the Japan’s press conference! ~ See you at Tokyo Dome ^^
During rehearsal at Tokyo Dome
Rehearsal ended, Actor Jang and co-workers having a meeting for a better stage. See you at Tokyo Dome tomorrow!
彩排结束,为了更加帅气的舞台 正在开会的张演员和工作人员们。明天东京巨蛋见!
Shared ; Sukbar
Via : JKSforever

[Video/Watched] PSH at Melon Music Award 2011 [FULL]

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Credits : OUMAE29YT

Kamis, 24 November 2011

[news] Park Shin Hye can’t wait for ’2011 Melon Music Awards’

0 Komentar

On November 23rd, actress Park Shin Hye‘s agency wrote via their official Twitter page, “Melon Music Awards takes place tomorrow November 24th at 7PM (KST)! It will be broadcasted live through MBC DRAMA and MBC EVERYONE‘s YouTube pages. Please look forward to actress Park’s awesome opening.”

4HIM Entertainment then attached a beautiful profile photo of the actress at the awards, which drew widespread attention.

Park Shin Hye is seen wearing very little makeup in the photo; her flawless skin and sharp nose bridge also caused many fans to leave compliments about her natural beauty.

Be sure to check back with allkpop later on this evening for coverage on the ’2011 Melon Music Awards’!

Source: TV Report via Nate
cr: allkpop

[Info] Pernyataan Resmi Promotor ‘Starlight’ Terkait Batalnya Konser CNBLUE “Bluestorm in Jakarta”!

2 Komentar


Jakarta (20/11)

CNBLUE 2011 Asia Tour Concert “Bluestorm in Jakarta”, konser pertama CNBLUE, yang sedianya akan diselenggarakan di Jakarta, tanggal 26 November 2011 di JITEC Mangga Dua Square mendatang, terpaksa harus dibatalkan. Menurut FNC Music selaku management CNBLUE, alasan dari pembatalan konser ini adalah ketidaksempurnaan persiapan konser.

Selama masa persiapan acara, kami berusaha memenuhi persyaratan dan permintaan pihak manajemen artis yang kerap berubah di menit terakhir. Mulai dari segi lokasi, promosi, sampai produksi. Seperti yang kami umumkan dalam konferensi pers sebelumnya bahwa perpindahan lokasi acara dari Skenoo Hall, Gandaria City ke JITEC Mangga Dua Square juga merupakan permintaan langsung dari manajemen artis.

Kami telah melakukan yang terbaik agar konser ini tetap berjalan sesuai rencana, dengan berusaha memenuhi segala persyaratan dan opsi-opsi yang telah diberikan hingga H-3 konser. Tetapi pada akhirnya pihak manajemen artis tetap memutuskan untuk menghentikan segala persiapan dan membatalkan konser ini.

Kami selaku promotor meminta maaf sebesar-besarnya atas kejadian ini. Terutama kepada pihak-pihak yang telah dirugikan secara moral dan materiil, seperti fans, media partner, dan sponsor.

Kami bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap semua pembeli tiket konser ini. Perihal mekanisme pengembalian uang tiket akan diumumkan secepatnya.

Terima kasih.
Starlight Management

Sebelumnya, agensi CNBLUE (FNC Music) telah terlebih dulu mengumumkan dalam website resmi mereka bahwa konser “Bluestorm in Jakarta” dibatalkan.

credit : koreanupdates, yeppopo

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Jang Geun Suk Menyumbang Lebih Dari $1 juta Untuk Universitasnya!

0 Komentar

Bintang Hallyu  Jang Geun Suk menyumbangkan 1,200,000,000 KRW (lebih dari $1 juta di  press time) pada sekolahnya, Universitas Hanyang. 

Pada 23 November, mahasiswa jurusan ‘Theater and Film, Jang Geun Suk, berada di daftar penyumbang untuk  ‘Love for Hanyang University Development Fund’ di post di homepage dana.

Daftar mengungkapkan daftar dengan namanya Jang Geun Suk yang telah menyubangkan 1,200,000,000 KRW. Ini adalah jumlah paling banyak oleh seorang individual dalam seorang alumni atau mahasiswa saat ini. Bagaimana sumbangan akan dihabiskan yang tidak diputuskan dan akan ada pertemuan2 dengan penyumbang  Jang Geun Suk untuk mendiskusikan masalah.

Jang Geun Suk adalah seorang senior di universitas jurusan teater dan film. DIa tidak mengabaikan aktivitas2 sekolahnya meskipun jadwal sibuknya antara Korea dan Jepang. DIa telah memimpin acara2 seperti festival sekolah sebagai cara untuk  memimpin cinta  Hanyang University.

Jang Geun Suk saat ini sedang syuting drama  ‘Love Rain’ dengan Yoona SNSD.

Pada 26 Desember, Jang Geun Suk akan di  Tokyo Dome Jepang untuk ‘Jang Geun Suk 2011 The Cry Show in Tokyo Dome – The Beginning’.

Source: Joongang via Nate 
credit: Kpopfever
Indo Trans: Yeppopo

Selasa, 22 November 2011

[News] F.T. Island achieves #1 on 4 Taiwanese music charts

0 Komentar

Credits : allkpop
Source + Photo: Osen

F.T. Island has dominated 4 music charts in Taiwan recently with their ‘Memory in F.T. Island’ remake album.
The boys ranked #1 for the ‘Best K-Pop Album’ category on various Taiwanese music sites like G Music and FIVE music, Kuangnan Record, and MTV music chart. They also ranked #2 on mobile ringtone site eMOME in their K-Pop category as well.
Hearing the news, the members stated, “We heard the news that we placed 1st on 4 charts in Taiwan… We want to thank our Taiwanese fans who always show love for each album we release.”
This isn’t the first time for F.T. Island to achieve such a feat. They previously ranked #1 across 5 Taiwanese music charts with their mini-album, ‘Hello Hello’.
In related news, F.T. Island will be holding their encore concerts on November 26th and 27th at Seoul’s Blue Square.

Senin, 21 November 2011

Jang Geun Suk Models for Japanese Gum "ACUO"

0 Komentar

Hallyu star Jang Geun Suk has been chosen as a model for the Japanese Lotte gum brand, "ACUO."

Last month, Jang Geun Suk shot the CF for "ACUO" in Korea. The commercial well-describes the minty freshness of "ACUO" with a simple, green background and emphasizes Jang Geun Suk's masculine charms. The CF will start airing on November 21 in Japan.

In other news, Japan has obtained broadcasting rights for Jang Geun Suk and SNSD YoonA's drama, "Love Rain." Jang Geun Suk will hold a concert in the Tokyo Dome on November 26. 

Check out this compilation of behind-the-scenes news segments for Jang Geun Suk's new CF. 
cr: soompi

[News] Park Shinhye's drama "Hayate The Combat Butler" to air in South Korea next month

0 Komentar
Credits : 10Asiae
Via ; Koreaboo

Park Shinhye's Taiwanese drama "Hayate The Combat Butler" is set to begin its run in South Korea next month. The news was officially announced by the cable channel Drama Cube today.

Drama Cube's official homepage dispayed the announcement that the romantic comedy series "Hayate The Combat Butler" will air every Friday night, starting December 2. The drama features Park Shinhye and Taiwanese-American actor George Hu.

"Hayate The Combat Butler" faired well in Taiwanese TV ratings during its air last June, in which Park Shinhye participated in the promotion of the series in the country. The drama also made its premiere in Singapore last September, while other countries such as China, Hong Kong and Japan are already in talks to buy the rights for the show.

[News] JKS Film "You're My Pet" Is the Number One Romantic Comedy

0 Komentar

Credits : jnkm @SOOMPI

Out of the three romantic comedies that were released in November, Jang Geun Suk and Kim Ha Neul's "You're My Pet" reached the top spot at the box office.
On November 2, "Couples," featuring Kim Joo Hyuk and Lee Si Young, hit theaters, while Han Ye Seul and Song Joong Ki's "My Penny-Pinching Romance" and "You're My Pet" were released on the same day (November 10). It was the battle of the romantic comedies for the month of November.
Since "Couples" was released a week earlier, it gathered a lot of talk and had a strong lead. However, after 20 days, "You're My Pet," has taken the lead.
The current numbers are as follows: "You're My Pet" has pulled in 379,567 people, "Couples" has attracted 347,967 people, and "My Penny-Pinching Romance" 293,569 so far at the box office.
It will be interesting to see how much more the numbers will increase for "You're My Pet."

Minggu, 20 November 2011

[News] Lotte provides special packages printed JKS’ face

0 Komentar
Lotte Co., Ltd announced that they would sell special packages printed JKS’ face on Nov. 22, 2011. One is for fruits flavored gum “Frutio” bottles and the other is for bundled packages of “Charlotte-i”. Especially the bundled packages of “Charlotte-i”, various version will be released. For example, there is a bundle package of three “Charlotte-i” with one JKS postcard, which is selected from 12 types at random. Others are special boxes printed JKS, which includes 6 or 10 “Charlotte-i”. You can see their pictures from the link below.
Japanese women must get weigh easily in proportion to their love to JKS! ;) Being fat is happy or not? :p

LOTTE press release page 

Credits: LOTTE Co., Ltd.


[Picture] JKS on filming "Love Rain"

0 Komentar


[Video/Watched] Lee hong ki CUT on Immortal song 2 (111119)

0 Komentar

[111119] Lee Hong Ki with FT Island - That person in Shinsadong - Immortal Song 2

 [111119] Result (GO VS Lee Hong Ki) - Immortal Song 2 

 [111119] Result (Lee Hong Ki VS Hyorin) - Immortal Song 2 

credits ; CapsuleHD8

For Full show and english sub. soon as possible update if i found it

[Video/Watched] Lee hong ki CUT on Immortal song 2 (111029 )

0 Komentar
[111029] Lee Hong Ki with FT Island - Loving all - Immortal Song 2  


[111029] Result (Shin Young Jae VS Lee Hong Ki) - Immortal Song 2 

[111029] Result (Lee Hong Ki VS Woohyun) - Immortal Song 2 


Credits : CapsuleHD8

For Full show and english sub. soon as possible update if i found it

[Video/Watched] (111120) CN.Blue- Intuition at Korea-China Music festival

0 Komentar

Credits ;

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

[PICTURE/INTERVIEW] Park Shin Hye in <韓FUN> Vol. 29

0 Komentar

credits to PSHIFC/ozbussi
Translated by ozbussi

“Foray to Japan―challenging actress, singer, dance and MC.” 

Shedding her cute image and going into a new world.

Park Shin Hye (age 21), the actress who gained popularity from the mega- hit drama YAB, signed a contract with a Japanese management agency IMX in October and starts her full-activities in Japan. She is a young actress who gains attention with her lovely appearance and her high quality acting skill. The interview took place at the studio in Yokohama. She talked about her thought about her activities in Japanand about the mini reunion with co-stars of YAB. 

Q You signed a contract with a management agency 
IMX. Would you tell us your feelings? 
PSH: Since through the drama YAB, I’m getting a lot of love from Japanese people, I’ve been feeling sorry for not having come to Japan and greet to everyone earlier. To be closer to everyone, I’m working through IMX. I’ve just opened my official HP and blog site. I want to meet everyone at any time. 

Q: You did MC at the Dream concert in Gyeongju. How do you think what your direction of your activities in
Japan will be? 
PSH: Well, of course I want to show myself as an actress, but I want to try MC as well. If there is an opportunity, I want to see everyone as a MC of concerts or such events. 

Q: How’s your Japanese study going? 
PSH: I had to interrupt when I was filming the drama and the movie, so it hasn’t improved so much. But now I have new company (mates)-IMX, so I want to study harder. 

Q: Your co-stars in YAB ( Jang Keunsuk, Lee Hongki and Jung Yonghwa) have already broken through as stars. What is your game plan to appeal in 
Japan? Like debuting as a singer? 
PSH: I want to dance. Everyone’s images of me are lovely and pure, but I want to show powerful parts of me. I like dancing, so I want to try many kinds of dance. I would like to do activities as a singer, if I have a chance. Though, I need so many practices and preparations for that. 

Q: Would you tell us your impression of Japan
PSH: It’s very beautiful and warms my heart. I got the impression that it is neatly and beautifully built. Houses and buildings were also beautiful. And people were very kind to me, so that was impressive. 

Q: Are there any favorite places or food (in Japan)? 
PSH: I like “Ramen” (noodle). I like “Tonkotsu” (flavor of Ramen). My friend often goes to a Ramen shop in Hondae, Seoul, whose owner is Japanese. So I have been there too. And I likehot springs too. This winter, I want to go on hot spring trip. 

Q: Do you cook? Is there any food you cook well? 
PSH: I can cook. I can cook “Jigae(찌개)”. Kimchi Jjigae (김치찌개), doenjang jjigae(된장 찌개), 닭볶음탕- It’s like Jjigae soup with chicken and김치찜 (steamed Kimchi) are my repertories. 

Q: Do you cook Japanese food? 
PSH: I cook Japanese curry. I like eating, so I want to try Japanese Jjigae (pot) too. 

― There will be YAB reunion regularly 

In October, Shinhye tweeted about the YAB reunion with a photo. And it got big reactions. 

Q: Did you guys have a YAB reunion? 
PSH: There was a suggestion of meeting after the Chuseok (추석) ended, and someone said “ How about next Friday?”, then we met. That day (Oct.7) was the date when YAB first broadcasted 2 years ago (by chance). Since Jang Kuensuk ssi was at the Pusan international film festival on that day, he was missing. But I met with the director, Jung Yonghwa ssi and Lee Hongki ssi in Seoul. We took a picture of us, and I put it on twitter. Many of fans were happy. 

Q: Do you guys sometimes meet each other? Do you want to have reunions in future too? 
PSH: We meet individually and separately, but didn’t have opportunities to gather often. We spend time as good friends, so we may meet sometimes not only memorial days. 

Q: What opened you up to be an actress? 
PSH: I wanted to be a singer a long time ago. But there was a lack of expression, so I started to study acting at the same time. Then my acting teacher advised me to be an actress not a singer, and to debut. 

Q: Do you like singing? 
PSH: I like singing, but not as good as a real singer. 

The theory of acting― learning from “the teacher” 

Long-lasting figure 

Q: Is there any ideal actress? 
PSH: There is an actress whom we call “teacher”, Ko Doo-sim (고두심). She is called “mother” by every viewer and every audience, has an impression of a heartwarming personality and has best acting skills in Korea. She has changeless warmth and always shows us cool figure. I have an opportunity to work with her once (in the drama "Kimchi Radish Cubes). I want to be an actress who can work for a long time like her. 

Q: Do you have any favorite Japanese actors or actresses? 
PSH: So many. I like Yu Aoi (蒼井優), Yui Aragaki (新垣結衣), Juri Ueno (上野樹里) and Yu Yamada(山田優). I watch many Japanese movies and dramas. I had no chance to watch these days, but watched many last year. 

Q: What kind of roles do you want to try? 
PSH: I like police dramas and political dramas. So, I want to try a police role too.

Q: Could you tell us your plans in the near future?
PSH: I'm going to university, so I may restart my activities in the beginning of next year. I'm looking at scripts of dramas and movies. I'm considering a lot what suits to my age and can show my new faces. So now I have a kind of a hard time deciding what to choose. 

Q: Would you tell us your ambition for activities in Japan?
PSH: I think through the drama YAB, many people have images (of her) such as cute and beloved. From now on, I want to be a role model for all women. Sometimes like a close friend and sometimes like a daughter for them. I want to be in Japanese dramas and movies. 

Q: Please give messages to fans in Japan
PSH: I am sorry that I was late to come. I should have come here earlier. I will come to Japan a lot to see you. I will work hard to be loved more, so please support me. 

As the interviewer told Shinhye stepping into a new world "I will come to interview again", she said "Thank you" in Japanese with shiny eyes. 

The time is coming soon when we see her various activities.