Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
[Video] RAW (No. Sub) Yonghwa Cn. Blue di Night After Night E27 (110517)
Source : Torrentrg
Via : CNBlackYong @ CodeAzzurro
Re-upload : chococherry anjell_indo
[News] Jang Keun Suk’s 1st official merchandise store at Shibuya, Japan
Increasingly popular in Japan, Korean actor-cum-singer Jang Keun Suk’s first official shop in Japan will open from 3 June to 27 June 2011 in Shibuya, Japan, at Parco1 level 7 at a designated area with 180 square metres.
At this official shop, not only can fans buy the usual JKS merchandise, they also have a chance to buy limited items. In order to fulfil fans’ wishes, the venue will also display photo-books and videos previously undisclosed, as well as JKS’ personal items. Staff are still working on how best to showcase the limited items at the venue and say that fans can even buy JKS’ personal items.
JKS says that he is very happy to open his first, exclusive merchandise store in Japan. “Hope that everyone can take this chance to get to know me better. I hope to come to Japan soon to meet everyone.”
The commercial for a certain brand of rice wine that JKS has acted in is now showing frequently on major TV stations in Japan, and his debut single “Let me cry” has not been the champion on Oricon weekly chart but also achieved an accumulated sales of 150,000 to date. On 20 May, TBS will broadcast “Marry me Mary” in addition to having announced on 17 May that they will make a reproduction of JKS’ popular work “You are Beautiful”. When JKS’ official store opens in June, his popularity in Japan is expected to increase further.
Another point worth mentioning is that YAB received overwhelming response after being aired on Fuji TV last year from 20 July to 10 August, and after that, the TV station received more than 10,000 enquiries requesting for a repeat broadcast. YAB has been aired in Japan for as many as 4 times already.
Source: Sohu Entertainment
Via : Jangkeunsukforever
日本人气急升中的韩国演员兼歌手张根硕在日本的首个official shop将在6月3日-27日期间限定开店,地点设在东京涉谷PARCO1的7楼——一个有180平方米的特设会场。
张根硕出演的某品牌米酒CM正在日本各大电视台热播中,4月27日发行的日本出道曲《Let me cry》不仅获得公信榜周榜冠军,迄今的累积销量已经突破15万张。5月20日,TBS电视台将播出他和文根英主演的《玛丽外宿中》,而TBS也在17日 宣布翻拍他的大热作《都是美男》。“6月官方店在涉谷开张的话,想必能更提升他在日本的受欢迎度”。
[News] Japan TBS’ akan membuat ulang You are Beautiful” versi jepang
credits : Jangkeunsukforever
Posted : chochocherry anjell_indo
Translation by princess_eko @ KeunSukChina @日剧情报屋:【日剧情报】夏季档TBS金十将翻拍热门韩剧《原来是美男啊》,由去年因为NHK晨间剧而走红的泷本美织、Kis-My-Ft2的玉 森裕太、藤ヶ谷太辅,HSJ的八乙女光共同主演,片濑那奈、高岛政伸也将出演,主题歌会作为Kis-My-Ft2的出道曲,该剧的官网已上线
张根硕全球中文网 [留言]11.05.18 张根硕给TBS翻拍美男的留言~阿年哈些哟,我是张根硕。 这次对日本翻拍《原来是美男啊》感到非常高兴,特别是由Johnny’s组合Kis-My-Ft2的玉森裕太来担当我所扮演的黄泰京的角色,十分期待。我 会支持有他们自己特色的演出。“原来是美男啊,Fighting!!!”翻译BYprincess_eko
Translation English @appharel77 Jangkeunsukforever
Japan TBS is going to make their reproduction of “You are Beautiful”. The role of Hwang Tae-kyung will be played by Tamamori Yuta of Kis-My-Ft2 (top right-hand corner).
The other actors in the cast are 泷本美织 (Go Mi-nam), 藤ヶ谷太辅,HSJ的八乙女光, 片濑那奈 and 高岛政伸. Apologies for the current lack of their names in English.
Jang Keun Suk has passed this message to TBS on the re-make:
“Hello, I am Jang Keun Suk. Feel very happy that Japan is making a reproduction of “You are Beautiful”, especially with Tamamori Yuta of Kis-My-Ft2 who will play my role of Hwang Tae-kyung. Looking forward to it. I will support their original performance. YAB, Fighting!!!”
Translate Indonesia : chochocherry anjellindo
Japan TBS akan membuat ulang produksi drama “You are Beautiful”. Yang akan berperan menjadi Hwang Tae-kyung ialah Tamamori Yuta dari Kis-My-Ft2 (top right-hand corner).
Dan aktor dan aktris yang lainnya ialah 泷本美织 (Go Mi-nam), 藤ヶ谷太辅,HSJ的八乙女光, 片濑那奈 and 高岛政伸. maaf takut terjadi kesalahan jika nama di ubah menjadi bahasa inggris.
Jang Keun Suk Memberikan pesan pasa TBS tentang pembuatan ulang drama You're Beautifull ver. jepang:
“Hello, Saya Jang Keun Suk. Perasaan saya sangat senang dengan jepang karena TBS akan membuat ulang drama “You are Beautiful”, Khususnya kepada Tamamori Yuta of Kis-My-Ft2 yang akan memerankan peran saya menjadi Hwang Tae-kyung. Melihat semua itu . Saya akan selalu mendukung semua keaslian performance. YAB, Fighting!!!”
[Photo] CNBLUE Message to Boice

Yonghwa: The promotion activities of our full album First Step has ended! Because of the great love all of you have given us, we’re so happy! Please love ‘Heartstrings’ a lot! We’ll be back with even better music?
Jonghyun: The Love Girl activities this time have received so much love too. Thank you. Will repay you with good music. Guitar Freak Jonghyun.
Minhyuk: During this album promotion period, you’ve been supporting and loving us as usual. Thank you! We’ll show you the even more awesome us in front of you! I love you Boice.
Jungshin: Everybody! Since Intuition to Love Girl! Thank you for your lots of support! All because of Boice, the activities this time have been so much fun and happy! Please support our coming activities too! Be healthy! You’ve work so hard!!
Source: cnblue.co.kr
Translations by klaritia@twitter
via Chinese translation by karekano @ weibo
Posted by Lyna@cnbluestorm
Translations by klaritia@twitter
via Chinese translation by karekano @ weibo
Posted by Lyna@cnbluestorm
Reposted by : Dewi @anjell_indo
[Video] (ENGSUB) Yong Hwa CN. Blue di Happy Together sesion 3 ep. 193
[Picture] JKS ekspresi lucu
Credits : as tagged
Via : JangKeunsukforever
Posted : chochocherry anjell_indo
Kyaaaaa....Ekspresi Jang Keun Suk-nya Lucu Bangetttt..huhuhuhu..Kiss to Anjells..^0^
[Video] Kumpulan Video JKS bernyanyi di Drama
JKS- Hello- hello ballad ver. (Marry Me Marry)
Credits : Mai4Luv1YT + as tagged
Posted : chococherry anjell_indo
JKS- can You hear me (Beethoven virus)
JKS - Promise You (You're beautiful)
JKS - I will Promise You (Marry me Mary)
JKS - Take Care My bus (Marry me Mary)
JKS _ Fly Me To The Moon (You're Beautiful )
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