Beberapa minggu yang lalu kita sudah mendengar kalau CN Blue akan berpartisipasi dalam event tahunan Incheon Korean Music Wave. Namun hari ini representative Fans Club FNC music memberikan pengumuman jika mereka tidak akan tampil dalam acara tersebut, berikut ini pernyatannya :
FNC MUSIC 팬클럽 담당자 입니다.
현재 8월 13일 있을 인천 코리안 뮤직 웨이브 2011의 라인업에
CNBLUE의 이름이 모두 공지되어
많은 팬 여러분들께 혼란을 드리고 있어 이에 대해 안내 해 드립니다.
8월 13일 인천 코리안 뮤직 웨이브 2011은
CNBLUE는 출연하지 않습니다.
CNBLUE의 BOICE 여러분들의 혼동 없으시길 바라겠습니다.
This is FNC MUSIC Fanclub Representative.
CNBLUE was listed as one of the line ups for the upcoming Incheon Korean Music 2011 on August 13.
Many fans are confused about that news so this is to inform all of you that CNBLUE will not be performing in the Incheon Korean Music Wave 2011 on August 13.
To CNBLUE’s BOICE, we are sorry for the confusion.
Thank you."
Semoga di event-event selanjutnya mereka bisa ikut berpartisipasi ya, amin ^__^
Reposted by : dewi @anjell_indo