Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

[Video/Watched] Latest Running Man guest (Lee hongki,Jung Yong Hwa) (Hard Sub)

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Credits : I-subs+KJK Global

EPISODE 7 (Jung Yong Hwa)

EPISODE 9 (Lee Hongki)

EPISODE 11 (Jung Yong Hwa)

EPISODE 17 (Jung Yong Hwa)

EPISODE 35 & 36 (Jung Yong Hwa)

[Video/Watched] JKS at Marry Me Marry 1-16 (ENG SUB.) (HARDSUB)

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Credits : Jacinda1st
Re-posted : chochocherry anjell_indo

[Video/Watched+DLRAW] Lee hongki at MBC Come to Play with chochoball

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Credits : MBC+killbygerYT+silverprim175YT+Kpopella
Re-posted : chochocherry anjell_indo


[Pictures] Lee Hongki playing guitar at Budokan Live Concert

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Credits: onpic + FTNunita21 + LiaHongki@primindo
Via : k-idol
Reposted ; chochocherry anjell_indo

[Voting] Vote JKS at Seoul International Drama Awards 2011

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Credits : JKSforever
indonesia translate : chochocherry anjell_indo

Thanks to 박은경 and other fans who have shared a way to vote many times. There’re still 2 weeks left to 16 August, so let’s do what we can to continue to vote for JKS!

1. You need a yahoo account, if you don’t have it, make a yahoo email account.
The site:
2. Log in to the site with your account.
3. After logging in, keep the webpage open.
4. Go to the Yahoo popularity award voting site and vote.
Voting website: https://kr.promotion.yahoo.com/sda2011/vote_actor_en.html
- When you vote, you can use any kind of fake names, emails, phonenumbers, but when it comes to email address, you need to write the proper email format like ****@gmail.com, ****@hotmail.com
- When entering Code number, you don’t need to distinguish captal and small letters.
- Your email account must be logged on while you’re voting.
5. Close the voting site.
6. Don’t forget to Log out the site (After that…you just can follow the same order…)
!!!! Even after voting, Never try to delete cookies !!!!!!!!!!!
7. Log in again~~with your account
8. Vote again~(with fake name, email, phone number)
9. Close the voting site again~
10 Log out~~
Repeat the process( from No.1 to No. 6) constantly~!!!
Then you can vote as many times as you want~!!!
Indonesia Translate : 
Terimakasih untuk semua fans yang telah membagikan cara bagaimana dapat memvoting terus menerus.Waktu yang tersisa tinggal 2 minggu dari sekarang sebelum tanggal 16 Agustus 2011 , Jadi Mari kita lakukan untuk terus vote JKS !!!

1. Kamu harus mempunyai akun yahoo, jika kamu tidak punya, buatlah akun email yahoo.
Untuk situsnya : 
2. Masuk ke situs dengan yahoo akun kamu.
3. Setelah kamu masuk, biarkan terus webpage tetap terbuka.
4. Pergi ke situs Yahoo popularity award dan voting .
website Voting : https://kr.promotion.yahoo.com/sda2011/vote_actor_en.html
- Jika kamu ingin memvoting, kamu bisa menggunakan nama palsu, emails, no.tlp, tapi jika kamu harus memberikan alamat email,kamu hanya perlu untuk menulis dengan format alamat email yang benar  seperti ini   ****@gmail.com, ****@hotmail.co
Ketika memasukkan nomor Kode, Anda tidak perlu untuk membedakan huruf captal dan kecil.
- kamu harus masuk ke akun email kamu saat melakukan voting .
5. Tutup situs Voting.
6. Jangan lupa keluar dari situs  (Setelah itu…kamu bisa mengulang lagi dari awal dengan urutan yang sama…)
!!!! Meskipun setelah voting, Jangan pernah menghapus cookies !!!!!!!!!!!
7. Masuk lagi~~dengan akun kamu
8. Vote kembali~(dengan nama palsu, email, nomor telpon)
9. Tutup situs Voting kembali~
10 Keluar~~
Ulangi terus proses ( dari No.1 ke  No. 6) terus~!!!
Kemudian Anda dapat memilih sebanyak yang Anda inginkan~!!!

[Picture] JKS at Odina vol 6 (Agst 2011)

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Shared by: tdedie
Via : JKSforever
Re-posted : chochocherry anjell_indo