Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

[Update] JKS twitter and weibo (111004-111008)


Slept 3 hours and went to school cri…. it was quite tough initially but suddenly I heard good news…. afternoon’s lessons are cancelled…. indeed, what one wishes for comes true… end of school…. ah…happy!!
Goodbye.. doggie Suni who thinks that she is a human… rested a while on the filming car and now going back to doggie school.. please transform back into a dog… doggie Suni sickness..


Saw them….. LMFAO…. Invited them to dance together….. Shuffle….engrossed … battle….!!!! Up on the stage….what should I do…??

Play first, talk about work later!!!! Chozer!!!!!!! I am shuffle king!!!!!!
先玩 工作以后再说!!!!chozer!!!!!!!我就是shuffle king!!!!!!!


Ah… yesterday after dinner, I went to the hotel and then decided to attend LMFAO after-party, but… dozed for a while and woke up to find that the time was late….huh!!!! Is there anything worse than this??? What happened yesterday!!?!! Fresh liver failed in Japan due to adjustment to the time difference….
啊。。。昨天吃完晚饭后到宾馆决定去LMFAO After party,但。。。暂时打了个盹起来一看是这个时候了。。。哼!!!!有比这还冤枉的不???昨天到底发生了什么事情!!?!!生肝到日本后适应时差失败。。。
I’m on TV, kekekekekeke
我上电视了 呵呵呵呵呵

You – you say whose fan are you, don’t you know that now is the eels’ era? No matter what, call ‘pet’ loudly! Now is eels’ era!!!!
你-你说你是谁的粉丝 不知道现在是鳗鱼时代吗 不管什么大叫宠物吧!现在是 鳗 鱼时代!!!!
Everyone, together~ shuffle world~~~!! LMFAO with Jang Keun Suk..! I received the invitation to go to LA, one more time~~!!
大家一起~shuffle world~~~!!LMFAO with Jang Keun Suk..! 收到去LA的邀请,再来一次~~!!

From Tokyo to Busan, reached safely… the Busan I like….time to light the fire … You’re my Pet fighting..

Tree-J: Eels waiting for actor Jang in Busan! Actor Jang’s event will start very soon.. See you on the red carpet ^^
JKS: hoho, let you see what is called a big celebrity …
【树推:在釜山等待张演员的鳗鱼们!马上 张演员的活动就要开始了.红地毯上见^^】【suk:吼吼 让你看看什么是大人物..】


JKS: Started dancing from morning. My friends ah, what shall I eat for lunch?? Please recommend what’s good in Busan
从早上开始跳舞 我的朋友们啊 今天中午吃点啥呢??请推荐釜山的好吃得

JKS: Yesterday people who added these things… Asia Prince does not permit everything…

Tree-J: Today is “You’re my Pet” showcase in Busan. After actor Jang finished lunch, he became a street musician. Eels, wishing you a happy Saturday

JKS: My Mistress…. is embarrassed to be with me…..

JKS: Must tell everyone about delicious restaurants! Already acknowledged by classmate Jang, the crab soup from 두메산골 (shop name), strongly recommended! In the afternoon, drinking a little wine and feeling a bit [*]
好吃得店店一定要告诉大家 !已经经张根硕同学认证的두메산골(料理店名字)花蟹汤 强烈的推荐啊 !午后小酒喝着我有点迷迷
[* sleepy? dizzy? light-headed?]

JasonJang:Prince! Earn money ah! Tonight, treat me to dinner ♥ hahaha
Prince! Zhuan qian a! jinwan qing wo chi fan♥ hahaha

JasonJang:pusan pusan! Party tonite! coffee time now! 

Japanese twitter: Also shuffle at Somyon, Busan!

 From 엄마

Credits : AsiaPrinceJKStwitter,treeJ twitter,JasonMaweibo,JKSjpn
Shared : Sukbar
Via : JKSforever