Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

[Update] JKS Twitter and Sina Massages

Chinese subs: Sukbar / KeunSukChina
English subs ; Apharel77
Via ; JKS forever

【110814 Sina】
JKS: Haven’t seen Rain for 10 years~~ Today, Busan is going to be hot~
10년만에 만난 레인!! 오늘 또 부산뒤집어지나요~
【110814 tree j twitter】
JKS: Haven’t met Rain for 10 years? Rain’s concert in Busan!! Eels, see whether you can find me! Hahaha
10年没见了?rain演唱会 in 釜山!!鳗鱼们啊 看看能不能找到我!哈哈哈哈
【110814 tree j twitter】
JKS: Tree-J considered for a while the meeting between a global megastar and the Prince of Asia … the reporters can use this as their headline, haha, but why is my face slightly swollen?
一棵树公司考虑了一下 世界巨星和亚洲王子的见面。。。记者标题就这么写吧 呵呵 啊 但是 我的脸怎么有点浮肿。。 。by根硕
생각해보니 월드스타와 아시아프린스의 만남이군… 기자님 타이틀 이렇게 써 주센 ㅋ 아 근데 나 얼굴 왜이리 부음…
For more messages, 

【110814 tree j twitter】
JKS: Although my face is a bit swollen, it’s not more fleshy~~ Stop nagging~~~
就算脸有点肿 也不是长肉啦~~不要唠唠叨叨啦~~~ (翻译BY蘑菇)
【110814 Sina】
JKS: Prepare the next year Asia Tour !
내년 아시아투어나 준비하센

【110814 Sina】
JKS: Rain’s nation-wide tour in Busan! Jang Keun Suk is invited last minute as guest and will shuffle on stage, ha ha! I am prince of Asia ~!
레인님 전국투어 인 부산 급작 게스트 장근석 무대위에 올라 셔플작렬하고 내려옴..내가 바로 아시아의 프린스다!!!

【110814 TREE-J twitter】
JKS: I admit I am not popular… The people here don’t want my photo or my signature… even sit together with a woman alone …. The road I’m taking is still long …. Who am I, where am I … no matter what, eels are probably going to lose sleep again.

【110814 Sina】
JKS: I took a photo with Rain’s fans, hahahahaha, hello guys?
我和rain的粉丝合照 呵呵呵呵呵 hello 孩纸们?
나 레인들이랑 사진찍음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안녕얘들아? ^^

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