Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

[Update Twitter] JKS at Tree-J + jpn twitter

Credits : sukbar

Via : JKSforever
Re-posted : chochocherry anjell_indo

[26.07.2011] Japan twitter

JKS: Saw me standing by the roadside, so I came down from my car to take a photo with it.
【110726日推】①视频上传到了官网影音区~②美丽的根酱和宠物根酱!③看到我站在路边,就下车拍了照- -(翻译:蔷薇)

[26.07.2011] treeJ

Tree-J twitter:
JKS is doing a poster photo shoot, and shares a photo with eels. Cute pet Sukkie! Has everyone gotten their nutrition? At the filming scene of “You’re my Pet” ^^app go go
张根硕贴吧官方微博:【TREE-J110726推特更新】根硕君在拍摄海报中,还给鳗鱼们传了照片。可爱的宠物硕!大家都有得到养分吗?电影宠物情人拍摄现场^^app go go!(翻译:颖)

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