Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

[NEWS] Lee Hongki gagal memenangkan 50 juta won !

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Pada tanggal 28 February 2012, FT Island Lee Hongki tampil dalam acara Kuis KBS "1 vs 100" sebagai peserta dimana ia bertarung dengan 100 peserta lainnya. Lee Hongki membuat banyak pihak tertegun dengan wawasannya yang luas. Dengan kemampuan luar biasa tersebut dan sedikit keberuntungan, ia mampu maju ke babak delapan atau dua pertanyaan terakhir menuju final.

Pada babak ke lima, setelah Hongki mampu menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar, ia berteriak histeris. "Ini benar-benar diluar dugaan," dengan 49 peserta tereliminasi. Ia berkomentar, "Aku merasa telah menjadi pria yang hebat,". Saat ia melaju melalui putaran 6 dan 7, Lee Hongki tampaknya benar-benar terkejut dengan penampilannya, melambaikan tangannya sambil berkata, "Ini bukan skenario yang sudah dipersiapkan!"
Namun, melaju ke babak delapan, Hongki berhadapan langsung dengan kontestan, Kim Young Soo, yang merupakan siswa dari KAIST, salah satu sekolah terbaik di Korea. Hongki tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan mudah untuk menguji keberuntungannya agar dapat melaju ke babak terakhir. Dengan kekalahan ini, ia kehilangan kesempatan untuk memenangkan 50 juta Won, yang artinya kesempatan itu menjadi milik siswa KAIST tersebut.
"Pengalaman ini sungguh menyenangkan. Tapi aku sangat grogi sampai aku merasa bahuku seperti kaku" ujar Hongki setelah menyelesaikan acara tersebut. Setelah acara itu, ia juga menulis di twitternya, "Ah... aku masih merasa menyesal tentang kuis 1 vs 100", yang mengekspresikan kekecewaannya.
Hongki ya~ sampai ke babak delapan aja itu sudah luar biasa loh.  We proud of you~ ^^

news source : soompi

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

[PICTURE] Bagaimana jika Hongki berubah menjadi Polisi Lalu Lintas ?

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Lee Hongki baru-baru ini berubah menjadi seorang polisi lalu lintas ! Pada tanggal 22 February, Hongki meng-upload selca-nya via twitternya.. 

Hongki terlihat cute dengan kacamata dan ekspresi cemberutnya. 

What do you think guys ?

Source : tvreport , korea.com

[Picture ] Jang Keun Suk Suntory makkoli wallpaper

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Credits : jangkeunsukforever

[UpdateTwiter] Jang Keunsuk at treeJ and other

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Shared by Sukbar Via Jangkeunsukforever
The happy LH performance has ended successfully. Now returning to Korea. Thanks, everyone! Everyone, please give lots of love to me and Team H~~~~~~
愉快的“LH”公演圆满的结束了.现在回韩国了.感谢大家!请大家多多爱我和”TEAM H”~~~~~~
Thank u for coming to teamH Album showcase WE WILL comeback !!!!

At this free performance for numerous fans, we want to express our unwavering support to actor Jang Keun Suk for his passionate performance, and our thanks to eels who cheer for him. An actor who interacts with fans using eye contact … that person is actor Jang Keun Suk. See you tomorrow.

and thanks to bigbrother. See you tomorrow
lounge H performance ended successfully. See you at tomorrow’s performance. Thanks
loung H的公演顺利结束。明天的公演上再见。谢谢
lounge H performance is starting, please enjoy it together~~~~
lounge H 演出开始,请一起享受吧~~~~
Hearing the cheers of the eels, actor Jang has reached the venue ^^ Thanks to eels who came very early ^^
Today is the day of Lounge H performance. From very early there were many people waiting in front of the venue. Will give everyone a cool performance. Please look forward to Team H ^^
今天是LoungeH 公演的日子.很早开始就有很多人在公演场前面等着了.会给大家一个帅气的公演的.请多多期待”TEAM H”^^

Park Shinhye menjadi bintang video klip single jepang terbaru Lee Seunggi "Alone In Love"

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Anjells, tau kan kalo Park Shinhye pernah jadi cameo di drama nya Lee Seunggi yang "my Girlfriend is Gumiho"" nah sekarang mereka bekerja sama lagi. Baru-baru ini Park Shinhye baru menyelesaikan syuting video klip terbaru dari single jepang Lee Seunggi yang berjudul "Alone in Love". Dan berikut ini video nya. ~enjoy it ^___^


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Lee Hongki dan bandnya, FT Island akhirnya melakukan comeback dengan 4th-mini album yang berjudul “Grown Up” pada tanggal 31 January 2011. Single pertama “Severely”  yang dirilis di Official Youtube FT Island (www.youtube.com/FTISLAND) pada hari yang sama. Album “Grown Up” terdiri dari 5 lagu bergenre rock-ballad, yaitu지독하게 (Severely), 친구마저 잃었다 (Even lost a friend), 난 못난 사람입니다 (I’m foolish person), 다 큰 남자가 (Grown Man), 애인이 돼 주길 바래요 (Be My Lover). Album ini terjual habis hanya dalam waktu 10 hari saja. 50,000 copies dari mini album keempat band ‘Grown Up‘ awalnya diproduksi, dan setiap copy terakhir telah terjual per 9 Februari. Agensi resmi FT Island,  FNC Entertainment menyatakan “kami mengisi album dengan lagu-lagu ballad untuk menunjukkan perubahan dalam segi musikal, dan responnya bahkan lebih baik dari yang kami perkirakan. Persediaan dalam dalam toko-toko retail yang dipesan sebelum dirilis sebagian besar telah terjual habis dan kami saat ini sedang mengerjakan produksi tambahan untuk memenuhi permintaan.” Kesuksesan penjualan album juga diikuti dengan kesuksesan FT Island dalam mencapai posisi terbaik dalam acara musik maupun music charts yang ada di Korea, sebagai berikut :

-       FT Island comeback pada tanggal 2 Februari untuk pertama kalinya pada acara M!Countdown
-       9 February 2012 – 1st position, mengalahkan Se7en dan MBAQ  
-       16 February 2012 – 2nd position, kalah dari Se7en “When i can’t sing”

KBS Music Bank
-       Perform pertama “Severely” untuk KBS Music Bank pada tanggal 3 February 2012
-       Period 2012.01.30 - 2012.02.05  :  3rd position
-       Period 2012.02.06 - 2012.02.12 :  2nd position, kalah dari T-ARA “Lovey Dovey”

Music On Top
-       posisi pertama pada tanggal 15 February 2012 (Photo 3, cr : facebook.com/FTIsland), Photo 4 (Cr : korea.com)

Billboard.com for K-POP Hot 100
-       Period 29-25 February 2012 : 3rd position
-       Period 12-18 February  : 4th position

Gaon Chart National Digital Singles Ranking
-       Periods 29 January – 04 February 2012 : 4th position (Severely)
-       Periods 05 – 11 Februari 2012  : 3rd position (Severely)

Gaon Chart National Physical Albums Ranking
-       Periods 29 January – 04 February 2012 : 1st position (Grown Up album)
-       Periods 05-11 Februari 2012 : 3rd position (Grown Up album)
Masa promosi album “Grown Up” sampai pada saat artikel ini ditulis masih terus dilakukan. Semoga album ini menjadi lebih sukses. Goodluck HONGKI ~ Goodluck FT ISLAND!!

Sumber : Soompi, Dkpopnews
Picture : Credit as tagged

[NEWS] Park Shin Hye Mempersembahkan Lagu Khusus Untuk Fans Saat Fan Meeting

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Aktris Park Shin Hye memberikan kejutan berupa lagu pada acara fanmeeting dalam rangka merayakan ulang tahun Park Shin Hye bersama member official Korean Fanclub “Starlight Angel” pada 18 Februari 2012. Fan meeting itu berlangsung di Ilji Art Hall, Cheong Dam-Dong. Dia menuliskan liriknya sendiri untuk mengekspresikan perasaannya terhadap para fans. Shin Hye bernyanyi sembari memetik gitarnya. Ketulusan Shin Hye tercermin dalam lagu tersebut dan membuat para fans terharu.
Agency resmi Park Shin Hye, 4HIM Entertainment berkomentar, “Lagu ini sangat berarti karena didedikasikan langsung untuk fans Park Shin Hye dan ia menuliskan lirik lagu itu sendiri. Saya telah melihat perjuangannya dalam menyusun kata-kata didalam lirik dan berlatih gitar sampai ia merasakan jarinya membeku. Saya senang karena semua perjuangan dan latihan yang ia lakukan terbayar dengan apresiasi yang baik dari fans. Meskipun lagu ini belum berjudul sekarang, saya rasa ini akan menjadi hak bagi fans untuk memberikan judulnya”

Fanmeeting berlangsung selama dua jam tanpa adanya seorang MC, tapi Park Shin Hye membuktikan bahwa ia adalah multi-talented entertainer dengan menjadi MC acara tersebut. Ia memulai dan membangun percakapan dengan bebas dan bermain games dengan para fans. Ia juga menyanyikan lagu “Lovely Day” dan melakukan akting untuk beberapa scene drama yang diperankannya, “You’re Beautiful” dan “Heartstrings” Selain itu, fans juga mempunyai kesempatan berinteraksi langsung, misalnya dengan menanyakan 5 series-pertanyaan kepada Park Shin Hye.
Banyak fans berasal dari luar negeri, seperti Thailand dan Jepang ikut serta menghadiri fan meeting yang sekaligus pesta ulang tahun Park Shin Hye. Di akhir acara, Park Shin Hye bersalaman dengan setiap fans. Park Shin Hye dan Starlight Angel sepakat untuk berbagi keuntungan dari fan meeting tersebut kepada organisasi nirlaba “Food for the Hungry” untuk mendanai Starlight Angel yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan Ghana, Afrika, dimana Park Shin Hye berkunjung secara rutin sebagai relawan.

Credit : Soompi 

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

[2P] Jang Geun Suk & Go Joon Hee for Codes Combine

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click picture & open picture in new tab for full size


Actor Jang Geun Suk and actress Go Joon Hee showed off their unique fashion in black skinny jeans. They were recently chosen to be the new models for clothing brand Codes Combine. The promotion photos, released on February 15, show off the actors' slim bodies and distinctive expressions.

The photoshoot was held at an airport, with Jo Sun Hee as the head photographer. The overall concept was the "airman."This is Jang Geun Suk's second year as a model for Codes Combine. He is currently working on his new drama, "Love Rain," and have been involved in several activities in Korea. Jang's new partner, Go Joon Hee, has been active as the MC for OnStyle's "Style Magazine," making herself known as a fashion expert.

A representative of Go's agency commented, "The two were highly envied of their best couple status by the staff on the set."

On the other hand, Codes Combine celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. Since its establishment in 2002, the clothing brand has launched 10 different clothing lines, including Seecode, Basic+, and Haiker. Codes Combine plans to expand into New York with 11 clothing lines, later this year.

cr: soompi

Jang Geun Suk's Past Remark about Wanting to Eat Japanese AV Idol Aoi Sora Garners Attention Once Again

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Jang Geun Suk’s remark about wanting to “eat” Japanese star Aoi Sora has been belatedly made a big deal in Japan once again. Aoi Sora is a multiple award winning Japanese AV idol star. Last August, Jang Geun Suk was interviewed by the Japanese press at the airport and was asked, “What do you want to eat most while in Japan?” He replied, “I want to eat Aoi Sora,” shocking everyone present. 

However, the remark was simply a mistake as he was without a translator. Instead of “What do you want to eat,” he misunderstood the question as “Who do you want to meet.”

Netizens commented, “This happened last year, why are they bringing this up again,” “They’re purposely making a big deal out of this to ruin his image,” “This is just another follow up to his height controversy in Japan,” and more. 

Netizens have tracked down the original video and found out that Jang Geun Suk never mentioned Aoi Sora.

cr: soompi

Anti-Hallyu outlets falsely report that Jang Geun Suk said he wants to eat AV actress Aoi Sola

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Actor Jang Geun Suk has once again fallen victim to anti-Hallyu media outlets in Japan, upsetting his many fans.

On February 17th, one media outlet reported, “Last August, Jang Geun Suk was asked what he would like to eat in Japan and his response ‘Aoi Sola‘ is causing quite the controversy.”

They sourced their information from a press release reported by anti-Hallyu Japanese media outlets without confirming with Jang Geun Suk’s representatives, making it seem like the actor misspoke.

Jang Geun Suk’s agency spoke with OSEN and stated, “Because Jang Geun Suk is a Hallyu star, there are a lot of these occurrences that take place in both China and Japan.”

“It isn’t the first time that something like this has happened and we have been ignoring it for the most part,” they continued with a deep sigh. “Jang Geun Suk is working really hard. If the anti-Hallyu outlets want to criticize him, we can’t do anything about that, but the fact that the Korean media would report stories that haven’t been proven to be true is really upsetting.”

The video of the actual interview that took place in Japan was revealed to the public, proving the press releases as false. When asked what he would like to eat in Japan, Jang Geun Suk clearly answered, “Sushi,” rather than AV Star Aoi Sola.

cr: allkpop

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

[VID] Supporting Jang Keun Suk We can make it with love English lyric

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cr: pucalovesuk

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Jang Geun Suk's "You're My Pet" Japanese Promotion Tix Sold Out

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Jang Guen Suk will be at the Osaka Dome in Japan on February 11 to promote his recent film "You're My Pet." Kim Ha Neul and other fellow actors from the film will be at the event as well. This promotion will include singing and dancing performances, as well as a talking segment. The Osaka promotion tickets for "You're My Pet" quickly sold out right after the opening, and nearby hotel accommodations prices skyrocketed to approximately $700. Many credit Jang Geun Suk's never-ending popularity for this success.

Jang Geun Suk is better known than any other Korean actors starring in the movie. Moreover, he has a wide-ranged fan base in Japan, unlike many other Hallyu stars in Korea whose main fan base is middle-age women. Based on his popularity, Jang Geun Suk has previously had a successful concert tour throughout Japan, selling more than 100,000 ticket throughout his 10 shows, which includes a sold-out concert at Tokyo Dome.

An official of the movie's promotional event commented, "The selling out of 'You're My Pet' tickets have been a good opportunity for us to re-examine Jang Geun Suk's popularity in Japan. We hope that this would create more opportunities for other Korean stars to draw attention in Japan."

Check out the Japanese trailer of "You're My Pet" below!

cr: soompi

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Jang Geun Suk Di Tuduh Memalsukan Tinggi Badanya??

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Bintang Top Hallyu Jang Geun Seuk  telah dikelilingi oleh kontroversi tentang tinggi badannya. Baru2  ini, pada episode  tanggal 2 Februari di acara “Kuwazugirai-Ou” yang disiarkan di Fuji TV, ia dipasangkan berdampingan dengan Noritake Kinashi. Setelah keduanya terlihat di tv, netizens telah berdengung tentang perbedaan ketinggian antara keduanya.

Tinggi Jang Geun Seuk  di profilnya adalah 182 cm dan tinggi Noritake Kinashi adalah 177 cm. Ketika netizens melihat mereka berdampingan mereka mulai menjadi ragu  tentang Jang Geun Seuk dan dia mengatakan bahwa tinggi badannya adalah 182 cm. Netizens menuduhnya mengatakan, “Keduanya memiliki perbedaan ketinggian 5cm tapi tinggi badan mereka tampaknya sama”, ” Jang geun Seuk sebenarnya  adalah 182 cm kan?”.

Namun, ada tuduhan seperti itu  , ada pula yang masuk akal dengan mengatakan, “Bagaimana kalian  bisa tahu jika perbedaan ketinggian 5cm mereka mutlak hanya dengan melihat itu?”, “Tidak masalah”, “kalian TIdak dapat berargumen   hanya dengan menonton rekaman itu” .

credit : dkpop news
indo trans : kimtae@YEPPOPO

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Jang Geun Suk believes he can win over the hearts of his anti-fans

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On January 28th, KBS’s ‘Entertainment Weekly‘ went to the set of Jang Geun Suk‘s photoshoot for a brief interview with ‘Prince of Asia’.

When asked about how he felt about his anti fans, Jang Geun Suk confidently answered, “I believe in my anti fans. I think someday they’ll fall for me”.

Without suppressing his laughter he continued, “As a fan of myself, I’m rooting for me”.

During the interview he was additionally given a mission to strike a pose after hearing a statement. Here he posed cutely and blew kisses to the camera, as he was asked “Height, Body, Face, there is nothing I don’t have” and “I am the current trend”.

Jang Geun Suk was also asked, “What part of your body are you the most confident in?”, in which he thought about and answered, “My Eyes”.

He then revealed his humor by posing with his eyes rolled up.

cr: allkpop

1,400 Japanese fans in attendance for Jang Geun Suk’s recent fan meet

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Jang Geun Suk proved that he was still a leading figure of Hallyu.

The actor/singer recently held a special fan meeting, ‘2012 Lotte Duty-Free Shops Jang Geun Suk In Star Avenue‘ at the Dom Art Hall in Children’s Grand Park on January 28th. An impressive 1,400 Japanese fans showed up for the event, proving the star’s international fame.

The meet and greet was nothing short of a concert. Jang Geun Suk sang “Hello Hello“, the soundtrack to his drama, ‘Mary Stayed Out All Night‘, as well as his Japanese debut single “Oh My Darling“, and his yet to be released upcoming single, which earned the warm applause of the audience.

He also planned a few special events for the fans, and gifted one of the winners with a T-shirt and jacket he personally wore during one of his advertisement shoots. The star also selected two members of the audience to come on stage and take pictures with him, and revealed photos of himself which were taken during his day to day activities & his World Tour.

This venue in particular held fan meet and greets in rapid succession, as JYJ held one at the location on the 14th, followed by Kim Hyun Joong who held a meet and greet on the 21st. Boy group Big Bang also held one at the same location right after Jang Geun Suk, which caused quite the stir amongst their fans.

Source & Image: Dispatch
cr: allkpop

[VID] 장근석 sexy back JKS 하이라이트

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cr: bis7778